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Should you prepay your Home loan?

  Should you prepay your Home loan? The best part of any loan is the outgo of amount is fixed and predetermined which is called EMI. EMI remains same during entire loan term, as your salary increases the EMI remains the same, over the course of time your savings will also increase. With the extra savings one can either prepay his loan to clear the loan faster or invest the extra funds in return earning avenues or the same funds can be invested in the form of SIP’s in Mutual Funds. You should consider the following things before you think about prepaying your home loan: 1. Do you have a Rainy Day Fund? Life is full of uncertainties, you would face many worst case scenarios in your life which you wouldn’t have thought or planned for like Job loss, Medical Emergency etc. It is always advisable to stash some money say 8 to 9 months of your living expenses including your Loan obligations (EMI’s) in liquid funds or savings accounts. 2. Short term Goals Once you set up an emergency fund your
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